Terms and conditions

  1. Order acceptance.
    Each purchase order directed to NBX is irrevocably binding pursuant to article art. 1329 of the Italian Civil Code , the customer for 90 days from the time of signing the order. The contract concludes with the acceptance by NBX that is “subject to the approval of the house” (order confirmation) or through the execution of the service pursuant to art. 1327 of the Italian Civil Code
  2. Delivery and terms.
    All shipments, unless directly and expressly agreed to the contrary, will be made with the means and couriers deemed most suitable by NBX. The terms of the requested goods are always indicative, so that no direct or indirect data may be requested for non-delivery or delayed delivery.
  3. Payment methods and commercial interests.
    The payment of the price must be made within the terms and in the manner indicated in the order and in the relative order confirmation. The customer may not for any reason defer payments beyond the agreed deadlines indicated in the order. On the unpaid amounts, within the agreed terms, commercial interest on arrears will be applied, without the need for formal notice, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2002. In the event of non-payment within the agreed terms, NBX di Migani Andrea has the right to suspend the supply of goods and possibly revise the payment conditions.
  4. Billing.
    Invoicing will be carried out in accordance with the law on the basis of the indications contained in the order confirmation. The customer is responsible for any sanctions or penalties that are caused by his erroneous or reticent indications.
  5. Product and Quality Guarantee.
    The warranty for defects or for breaches of promises will last for 12 months from the delivery of the goods. NBX reserves the right to evaluate the nature of the detected defect. If the defect derives from an intervention, a repair, an irregular use or was produced as a result of imprudence, inexperience, negligence in the use and / or maintenance of the goods by the customer or his staff. NBX will be bound by any obligation or form of warranty. The guarantee is valid only if the customer has not defaulted on payments. Charges due to non-conformities opened by customers, delivery delays or machine downtime will not be accepted unless previously agreed.
    Any dispute regarding the non-correspondence between the ordered and delivered goods must be formulated at the time of delivery and noted on the delivery notes. The return of Nebux products must be communicated within 14 days by registered letter to the company Nbx from the date of the invoice, after this date the right of withdrawal is not valid. The return of the goods is applied only for private individuals and not for VAT numbers. No product returns will be permitted without NBX’s prior written consent. The goods must be returned within 30 days, packaged with the original intact packaging, and must be accompanied both by the return number issued by our Quality Department, and by a note showing the description of the defect. Failing that, NBX will charge the customer for the related repackaging costs. Late disputes will be ineffective and NBX may refuse to return the goods.
    All information and data shown on the product page, both of the website www.nebux.it, and of the catalogs and / or brochures are indicative and may be subject to change without notice.
  6. Treatment of personal data.
    Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n. 196, NBX informs that the customer’s personal data are acquired, collected and processed, also with the aid of electronic means, exclusively for the purposes directly or indirectly connected to the execution of the supply contract, or to execute the obligations established by law. The data controller is NBX. The customer can assert the rights as foreseen by the art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2006.
  7. Intellectual property.
    All rights to the contents (by way of example, texts, images and site architecture) are reserved in accordance with current legislation. The contents of the pages of the site may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of NBX.
  8. Jurisdiction.
    The governing law of the supply contract is the Italian one. The supply contract is subject to the jurisdiction of the Italian Judicial Authority. The Court of Milan will be the only territorially competent to decide any dispute that may arise between the parties under the contract.
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